
  • The DD21 proceedings will be published by Springer, in LNCSE collection. A draft version of the Proceedings is available.
  • 24/07/2013: The list of currently accepted papers is now online. We apologize for the delay.
    Authors of accepted papers will have to follow carefully the final instructions.
  • The next international domain decomposition conference, DD22 , will be held in Lugano, Switzerland, in September 2013.
  • Video recordings of invited talks at DD21 in Rennes, France are available here.

DD 21 Announcement

The 21st International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods will be held at Inria Rennes-Bretagne-Atlantique, France, on June 25-29, 2012.

It is co-organized by the team SAGE of Inria and the LMNO at the University of Caen.

The purpose of the meeting is to bring together mathematicians, scientists, and engineers working on various aspects of domain decomposition methods.

The conference features invited plenary talks, and parallel sessions of mini-symposia or contributed talks.
It will gather more than 200 participants.

The Conference will take place in INRIA convention center, located on the Beaulieu Campus of the University of Rennes.

Social events include a welcoming cocktail on monday evening and an excursion to Mont-Saint-Michel on thursday afternoon, followed by a dinner in Normandy.

Conference Information

  • Please see our Venue page to learn about travel and tourist information.
  • Please see our Accomodation page to learn about hotel information.
  • Please see our Practical Information page to learn about Inria location, public transportation, and local facilities.


DD 21 will begin on Monday 25 June 2012. Welcome is scheduled at 8:00am and the conference will open at 8:45.

DD21 will end on Friday 29 June 2012. Closing is scheduled at 16:00.

  • Please see the detailed program , including the complete schedule and practical information about access to Inria convention center.
  • Please see the book of abstracts , with all the abstracts of invited plenary talks, mini-symposia and contributions.

Organized by

SAGE    Laboratoire de Mathématiques Nicolas Oresme

INRIA RENNES   University Caen   


CNRS    University Rennes I

IRMAR    INSA Rennes    Risc-E    ERC-Faou    Fédération Normandie-Mathématiques

Mairie de Rennes    Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche    Région bretagne   Rennes Métropole   Fondation Metivier

CERFACS    Maison de la Simulation    HUTCHINSON


IRISA    SMAI    Micado    ENS Cachan Bretagne

DD21 will gather international researchers and representatives of mathematicians, scientists, and engineers working on various aspects of domain decomposition methods. An opportunity for you to communicate your latest developments and to share the latest advances in this field.
Become one of our sponsors !