DD21 Conference Proceedings - Call for submission

As in prior conferences in the series, the proceedings of DD21 will be published by Springer, in the LNCSE collection.
The deadline for submission is now December 10th, 2012 (8:00am GMT) .
The submission website will be closed after this date.
Please make sure that you use the conference DD21-Proc on easychair.
Please read and follow carefully the instructions below.

Participants who presented their work at the conference (plenary lecture, minisymposium lecture or contributed talk) are encouraged to submit a paper after the conference. All paid participants will be sent a complimentary copy of the proceedings upon publication, which will be mailed to the physical address provided on registration.

All papers will be refereed. Presentation at the conference does not guarantee publication. Submitted papers need not conform identically to what was presented at the conference; titles and authoring may change. Papers may be related to other publications by the author(s), but they should include original results.

Page restrictions

The page restrictions are as follows:

  • Invited plenary presentations: 12 pages, including at most 4 color figures.
  • Minisymposia and contributed presentations: 8 pages, including at most 3 color figures.

Due to page restrictions, it is natural that some authors will attempt to publish a more complete version of their work in archival journals and reserve a special angle for their proceedings paper. The DD21 proceedings should meet traditional standards for originality and quality, within the limitations of length.

Latex style instructions

The papers should be written in Latex, using the Latex style provided below.

IMPORTANT: The reviewing process of the paper will be made on the generated pdf file. But for later edition purposes, please observe the following LaTeX guidelines. Notice the editors will NOT use pdflatex, please provide figures in .eps format.

Begin by downloading the file author_program_element.zip. This zip archive contains eight files:
svmult-ddm.cls -- the Springer style file slightly modified to fit DDM standards
author_program_element.tex -- the template file for your contribution
author_program_element.bib -- the template file for your bibliography
authinst.pdf -- documentation about Springer publishing format
spmpsci.bst -- Style for references (to use with BiBteX)
author_program_element_figure1.eps -- eps figure, as example
author_program_element.pdf -- the generated pdf file, as example
author_program_element.bbl -- the bbl file generated by BiBTeX, as example

Please do not edit svmult-ddm.cls and spmpsci.bst.
Do not define your own macros, or redefine those provided in these style files.
Do not add any additional packages or redefine commands with \def or \newcommand as the text above \begin{document} will not be read at the edition stage.

Rename the directory author_program_element as <author>_<program element>
where <author> is the surname of the corresponding author supplemented by first initial (e.g. "wangk" for Wang, K.), and <program element> is one of "plenary", "mini_<#>", "contrib", <#> being the number of the Minisymposium ranging from 1 to 20.

Rename also the author_program_element.tex file as <author>_<program element>.tex. Please insert your contribution in this file. Please provide an abstract (5--10 lines) and three keywords as they will be used online by Springer and requested at the submission stage on EasyChair (see paragraph Submission process of your pdf file with Easychair below). These abstract and keywords will NOT appear in the printed version of the book. Please do NOT remove the star in the LaTeX abstract field.

It is important for submissions to have consistent style, and to avoid problems with conflicting labels. To address these issues, please observe the following guidelines in preparing your manuscript:


Authors are encouraged to use BiBTeX and to use the Springer style spmpsci.bst for references.
First rename the file author_program_element.bib as <author>_<program element>.bib and insert your references in BiBTeX format.
Then update the two following lines at the end of your file <author>_<program element>.tex with the new name of your .bib file:
\bibliography{<author>_<program element>}

Authors are encouraged to retrieve BiBTeX references from MathSciNet (http://www.ams.org/mathscinet), should they already be available in that database. This will result in uniformity throughout the book and also ensure that names of journals are abbreviated correctly and consistently.

IMPORTANT: Use the prefix <author>_<program element> previously defined for cite keys to make them unique to your contribution.
Example: @Article{<author>_<program element>_science-journal,
author = {Hamburger, C.},
title = {Quasimonotonicity, regularity and duality for nonlinear systems of partial differential equations.},
journal = {Ann. Mat. Pura. Appl.},
year = {1995},
volume = {169},
pages = {321-354}
and \cite{<author>_<program element>_science-journal}
This measure will help to avoid multiply defined cite keys and reduces the risk of wrong references when merging the contributions.


If you use LaTeX labels to refer to equations, sections, tables, figures, etc, please use label names starting with <author>_<program element>. This will ensure that your document does not conflict with other documents in the proceedings volume.


All figures are .eps files. Color figures can be provided, at most 3 for the 8 pages contributions and at most 4 for the 12 pages (see page restrictions above). Please name the files of your figures as <author>_<program element>_figure<#>.eps

Submission process of your pdf file with Easychair

When you are ready to submit your contribution and the compilation is OK, you just have to submit your pdf file <author>_<program element>.pdf to the web-based automated submission (DD21-Proc Easychair conference) procedure.
IMPORTANT: the LaTeX archive will be required in a second time if your paper is accepted.

If you do not have an EasyChair account, you must sign up for an account. Once the account is created, you will receive an email with a link confirmation. Click this link to complete the creation of your account(institution, homepage, etc ..). Once you have finished, you can log in successfully and use web-based automated submission (DD21-Proc Easychair conference).

To submit a new paper, click the link New Submission and fill in the form. Fill all the requested information, included the Abstract field and Keywords that can be copied/pasted from the \abstract* paragraph in your <author>_<program element>.tex file.
VERY IMPORTANT: You must fill the form and submit the file <author>_<program element>.pdf in the last field.

Organized by

SAGE    Laboratoire de Mathématiques Nicolas Oresme

INRIA RENNES   University Caen   


CNRS    University Rennes I

IRMAR    INSA Rennes    Risc-E    ERC-Faou    Fédération Normandie-Mathématiques

Mairie de Rennes    Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche    Région bretagne   Rennes Métropole   Fondation Metivier

CERFACS    Maison de la Simulation    HUTCHINSON


IRISA    SMAI    Micado    ENS Cachan Bretagne

DD21 will gather international researchers and representatives of mathematicians, scientists, and engineers working on various aspects of domain decomposition methods. An opportunity for you to communicate your latest developments and to share the latest advances in this field.
Become one of our sponsors !