DD21 Contributed TalksDefinitionA contributed talk is a 20-minute presentation with an additional 5 minutes for discussion, which will be grouped by the organizers with other contributed talks into the parallel sessions each morning and afternoon of the conference.List of contributed talksThe deadline for fullest consideration was 8 March 2012.73 contributions were accepted. Contributed talks are in the book of abstracts. Contributions are now scheduled. Speakers can check the date of their presentation in the program. Contributions are in sessions of 4 talks (except a few), numbered C1, C2, etc The distribution can be found in the book of abstracts. The first author of the contribution is the speaker. Organized by
DD21 will gather international researchers and representatives of mathematicians, scientists, and engineers working on various aspects of domain decomposition methods.
An opportunity for you to communicate your latest developments and to share the latest advances in this field.