DD 21 Invited Plenary talks

The scientific committee of DDM selected a list of 14 invited plenary speakers.
An invited plenary talk is a 40-minute presentation with an additional 5 minutes for discussion.

DD 21 Invited Plenary Speakers

AYUSO DE DIOS Blanca - Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, Barcelona, Spain

BÄNSCH Eberhard - University of Erlangen, Germany

CAI Xiao-chuan - University of Colorado, Department of Computer Science, College of Engineering and Applied Science, USA

HALPERN Laurence - Université Paris 13 Laboratoire Analyse, Géométrie & Applications, France

HIPTMAIR Ralph - ETHZ, Switzerland

HOLST Michael - UC San Diego, Department of Mathematics, University of California, USA

KIM Hyea Hyun - Kyung Hee University, Department of Applied Mathematics, Korea

KLAWONN Axel - Universität Duisburg-Essen, Lehrstuhl für Numerische Mathematik, Germany

LEE Jin-Fa - Ohio State University, ECE Department, USA

PECHSTEIN Clemens - Institut für Numerische Mathematik, Johannes Kepler Universität, Austria

PICHOT Géraldine - INRIA, Centre de Recherche Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique, France

RIVIÈRE Béatrice - University of Pittsburgh, Rice University - Computational and Applied Mathematics Department, USA

SARKIS Marcus - Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Mathematical Sciences Department, USA

ZHANG Chensong - Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences, China

Organized by

SAGE    Laboratoire de Mathématiques Nicolas Oresme

INRIA RENNES   University Caen   


CNRS    University Rennes I

IRMAR    INSA Rennes    Risc-E    ERC-Faou    Fédération Normandie-Mathématiques

Mairie de Rennes    Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche    Région bretagne   Rennes Métropole   Fondation Metivier

CERFACS    Maison de la Simulation    HUTCHINSON


IRISA    SMAI    Micado    ENS Cachan Bretagne

DD21 will gather international researchers and representatives of mathematicians, scientists, and engineers working on various aspects of domain decomposition methods. An opportunity for you to communicate your latest developments and to share the latest advances in this field.
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