As in prior conferences in the series, the proceedings of DD21 will be published by Springer, in the LNCSE collection.
Please make sure that you use the conference DD21-Proc on Easychair.
Please read and follow carefully the instructions below.
Please save our time !
If the latex file does not meet the requirements, the draft version of the proceedings will not compile properly.
Thus the editors will send an email to the authors, requiring a new archive file which follows the instructions.
This would slow down the process of publication.
Please be advised that by publishing an article in the DD21 Proceedings volume,
you are hereby agreeing to transfer copyright of your article to the publisher (Springer),
as is normally required by Springer for these types of publications.
- Jocelyne Erhel, Inria, Rennes, France
- Martin Gander, University of Geneva, Switzerland
- Laurence Halpern, University of Paris 13, Villetaneuse, France
- Geraldine Pichot, Inria, Rennes, France
- Taoufik Sassi, University of Caen, Caen, France
- Olof Widlund, Courant Institute, USA
The page restrictions are as follows:
- Invited plenary presentations: 12 pages, including at most 4 color figures.
- Minisymposia and contributed presentations: 8 pages, including at most 3 color figures.
Due to page restrictions, it is natural that some authors will attempt to publish a more complete version
of their work in archival journals and reserve a special angle for their proceedings paper.
The DD21 proceedings should meet traditional standards for originality and quality, within the limitations of length.
In the following, <author> is the surname of the corresponding author supplemented by first initial (e.g. "wangk" for Wang, K.), and <program element> is one of "plenary", "mini_<#>", "contrib", <#> being the number of the Minisymposium ranging from 1 to 20.
Please observe the following guidelines:
- Notice the editors will NOT use pdflatex, please provide figures in .eps format.
- Do not define your own macros or use additional packages since the text above \begin{document} will not be read at the edition stage.
- For the edition purposes, BiBTeX will not be used so please comment the two lines:
\bibliography{<author>_<program element>}
in your <author>_<program element>.tex file.
Then replace them by a copy of your <author>_<program element>.bbl file generated with BiBTeX and build again your LaTeX file.
- Notice a little change in the author affiliation. In the example archive file, we give an example of a paper with three authors, with two of them being at the same institute:
\author{Name of First Author \inst{1} \and Name of Second Author \inst{2} \and Name of Third Author \inst{1}}
\institute{\inst{1} Name, Address of Institute1, \email{{nameFirstAuthor}{nameThirdAuthor}@email.address}
\and \inst{2} Name, Address of Institute2, \email{nameSecondAuthor@email.address}}
It is important to avoid problems with conflicting labels. To address these issues, please use the prefix <author>_<program element> previously defined to make labels unique :
@Article{<author>_<program element>_science-journal,
author = {Hamburger, C.},
title = {Quasimonotonicity, regularity and duality for nonlinear systems of partial differential equations.},
journal = {Ann. Mat. Pura. Appl.},
year = {1995},
volume = {169},
pages = {321-354}
and \cite{<author>_<program element>_science-journal}
This measure will help to avoid multiply defined cite keys and reduces the risk of wrong
references when merging the contributions.
If you use LaTeX labels to refer to equations, sections, tables, figures, etc, please use label names starting with <author>_<program element>. This will ensure that your document does not conflict with other documents in the proceedings volume.
All figures are .eps files. Color figures can be provided, at most 3 for the 8 pages contributions and at most 4 for the 12 pages (see page restrictions above). Please name the files of your figures as
<author>_<program element>_figure<#>.eps
Latex-bug-free documents built with the Springer style files are required.
Please produce an archive
<author>_<program element>.zip or <author>_<program element>.tgz
This archive file should contain a directory named <author>_<program element> with the following files (without the Springer style files):
<author>_<program element>.tex
<author>_<program element>_figure<#>.eps
<author>_<program element>.pdf -- for checking purposes only
An example of archive file is provided here.
Please upload this archive file on EasyChair.
DD21 will gather international researchers and representatives of mathematicians, scientists, and engineers working on various aspects of domain decomposition methods.
An opportunity for you to communicate your latest developments and to share the latest advances in this field.
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